Ep. 9: Nontombi Naomi Tutu, Associate Rector, All Saints Episcopal Church | I am only because you are

In this special episode, Nontombi Naomi Tutu—a priest, public speaker, social justice activist and most importantly Mungi's mom—joins the podcast. She discusses growing up in apartheid South Africa, avoiding becoming a priest like her father, Reverend Desmond Tutu, and finally giving in and joining the clergy in her fifties.

In this conversation, Mungi and Naomi explore how the entire human family loses out when people are oppressed, and how to find joy even through life’s difficulties. Naomi also addresses the similarities between the fight against apartheid and today’s activism in the United States and beyond. This episode crosses over several Ubuntu concepts; after all, it was Mungi’s mom who taught her about the South African philosophy. Naomi’s lessons about humanity and social justice remind us that we are only who we are because of other people.

Naomi Tutu

Ep. 10: June Sarpong OBE | Believe in the good of everyone


Ep. 8: Thandeka Tutu-Gxashe: CEO, Desmond Tutu Tutudesk Campaign Centre | Strength lies in unity